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Hello, my name is Suzanne Peden, and I’m a clinical social worker. I’m also the owner of A Angel Adoptions. If you live anywhere in

Pregnancy & Addiction
Video Transcript: Hello, I’m Suzanne Peden. I’m a clinical social worker, but I’m also the owner of A Angel Adoptions. So for many years, actually

Working With A Angel Adoptions
Hello, I’m Suzanne Peden, and I’m a clinical social worker, but I’m also the owner of A Angel Adoptions. We are a private, licensed agency

The Adoption Option
Are you thinking about the adoption option? If you are, then you’re at the right place. Hello, I’m Suzanne Peden, and I am a clinical

National Adoption Month
November is National Adoption Month As we approach the holidays and the Christmas season, be especially mindful of birth families and infertile couples. For pregnant

Interview With A Birth Mother
(The following is part of an actual conversation with a birth mother who recently placed her baby for adoption through A Angel Adoptions. She is