Adoptive Parents
A Angel Adoptions is always seeking applicants for our adoption program. You may be undergoing infertility treatment or you may be at the point where you’re ready to move forward with your adoption journey. The adoption process is often very different from the way it is portrayed in the media, movies, and talk shows, etc. It is always helpful to have a licensed agency guide you through the adoption process.
One of the best places to begin educating yourself on the adoption process is to read adoption related books. We recommend Raising Adopted Children by Lois Ruskai Melina, Dear Birthmother, Thank You for Our Baby(3rd Revised Edition) by Kathleen Silber and Phyllis Speedlin, The Open Adoption Experience by Lois Ruskai Melina and Sharon Kaplan Roszia, and Inside Transracial Adoption by Gail Steinberg and Beth Hall.
The majority of adoptions today involve varying degrees of openness. Initially, many adoptive couples have a lot of fears about openness in adoption. Through education and talking to others who have experienced openness themselves, most fears can be dispelled. We are happy to share a reference list of adoptive couples for you to contact. Many birth mothers want to meet you and have contact during the pregnancy. Post-birth, most birth mothers request letters and photographs throughout the years. Many birth mothers want ongoing direct contact (within boundaries) with you and the child.
We accept adoptive applicants, case by case, from within and outside the state of Alabama.
For additional information, please call 205-621-0316.
Services provided to adoptive parents:
- Adoption education, including legal issues, openness in adoption and talking to your child about adoption
- Adoption home studies
- Adoptive placements
- Post-placement visits and reports

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